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The Necessity for Better Fat-Loss Programs, Part 2

EMS/EMA Training Blog

Where the fitness industry failed us and how to do it right this time!

Welcome to Part 2 of our “Fat-Loss” Series

In the last episode, we lay out the “Process of Fat Loss”. We discussed what metabolism is and how you can increase it.

In this episode, we concentrate on the training hierarchy of fat-loss and how to program for fat-loss.

The Hierarchy of Fat-Loss

After years of figuring out what are the best methods to burn fat in the least amount of time, we figured out this hierarchy of fat loss training methods.

Based on previous topics on metabolism and how to increase it we can define these effective strategies to create better fat loss programs.

Prioritization for fat loss training:

  1. Metabolic resistance training and strength training
  2. High-intensity anaerobic interval training
  3. High-intensity aerobic training
  4. Low-intensity aerobic training

With these in mind, that Metabolic strength training and strength training is the best method to create fat loss we now can create a hierarchy of how to spend time in the training-wise to create better fat loss:

  • 1-3 hours available per week: Use priority 1
  • 3-4 hours available per week: Use priorities 1+2
  • 4-6 hours available per week: Use priorities 1+2+3
  • 6+ hours available per week: Use priorities 1+2+3+4


Metabolic Resistance Training

Data shows that total body routines are superior in comparison to split routines. This is why we recommend total body training for Priority number 1 training. So we try to involve the whole body every time we are training. Because time is a non-renewable resource we have to create maximal metabolic disturbance which is characterized by the following principles:

  1. Use heavy resistance relative to repetitions: Means engage in heavy resistance and not in light weights, high reps training. Use maximal efforts between 6-15 repetitions.
  2. Time under tension must be 45-60s: Load is not the only factor but the time the load is displayed plays an equal role. While 20s TUT maximizes more neural adaptations the 45-60s are more effective in cases of metabolic disturbances.
  3. Use mini circuits combined with short rest periods: Short rest periods are critical to increasing caloric burn and total work performed in less time. You can work on noncompeting bodyparts in a row in supersets, tri-sets, and circuits.


1a: Goblet Squat x10 repetitions followed by,

1b: Push-Ups x8 repetitions followed by 60s rest.

Do 2-3 rounds of this circle.

With this in mind we can figure out how to achieve the fastest way for fat loss results:

  • Do 2-3 resistance training sessions (30-45min each session) per week, and
  • 1-2 metabolic interval sessions (20-30min each session).


Fat-Loss Programming with and without EMS/EMA

Since we discovered that metabolic strength training and traditional strength trainingwork best for fat loss it is also clear that EMS/EMA training is a perfect tool to boost that effect.

EMS/EMA training makes muscles work more effectively which is an important factor for fat loss. Most of us do not have a lot of weights at home and maybe are not able to perform heavy strength training. EMS/EMA Training is the perfect tool to gap those problems. EMS/EMA is a more efficient method to cut time and maximize results. Because 20min EMS/EMA training equals almost 3 hours of strength training.

So if we combine EMS/EMA training with the fat loss methods we already discovered we can cut training time like this for example:

  • 20min-1hour available per week: Use 1-3 Sessions a 20min EMS/EMA Metabolic Strength training
  • 1-1,5 hours available per week: Use 2-3 Sessions a 20min EMS/EMA Strength training and 1-2x 10-15min high intensive interval training
  • 1,5-2 hours available per week: Use 2-3 Sessions a 20min EMS/EMA Strength training and 1-2 Sessions a 10-15min high intensive interval training + 1 Session a 20-30min regular Intense Aerobic training



This is how an EMS/EMA training week could look like:

Monday: 20min EMS/EMA Metabolic Strength training

Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: 20min EMS/EMA Strength Training

Thursday: 10-15min EMS/EMA Interval Training

Friday: OFF

Saturday: 20min EMS/EMA Metabolic Strength training

Sunday: 20-30min regular Intense Aerobic Training


EMS/EMA Metabolic Strength Training

5min WARM-UP Routine

5min SUPERSET: Single Leg Deadlift x5 Reps each side followed by 15s rest and Push-Ups x5 Reps followed by 30s rest. As many rounds as possible in 5min.

10min TRISET: Reverse Lunges x8 Reps each side followed by 15s rest and TRX Rowsx8 Reps followed by 15s rest and Walkouts x8 Reps followed by 30s rest. As many rounds as possible in 10min.

3-5min COOL DOWN


EMS/EMA Strength Training


Exercise 1, Band Press Up’s: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Repeat: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Exercise 2, Air Squats: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Repeat: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Exercise 3, TRX Rows: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Repeat: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Exercise 4, TRX Roll Outs: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

Repeat: 3 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 4 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 5 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 6 Reps followed 15s rest followed by 7 Reps followed by 1min rest.

3-5min COOL DOWN

EMS/EMA Interval Training


15s Intensity followed by 45s Active Rest.

Do that for a total of 10-12 rounds.




Final Thoughts…

As you can see, regular fat loss training needs time. Between 3-6 hours per week. EMS/EMA training only takes one to a maximum of two hours per week.

Functional EMS/EMA training helps you to overcome three major problems that come with regular strength training:

  1. Time: Most of us have not a lot of time for working out. EMS/EMA is the best solution to modern time management problems. Two hours per week divided into 15-20min sessions vs. 3-6 hours of regular training with 45-60min per session.
  2. Intensity through heavy-weights: Intensity means speed for interval training and muscle tension for strength training. Both things are not easy to handle. Especially for beginners and intermediate trainees. EMS/EMA helps you to go with the movement that is best for you and the speed you can handle. Because the speed & tension is handled by the EMS/EMA impulses. The EMS/EMA suit helps you to activate the right muscles and stimulates both. Type I&II muscle fibers.
  3. Safety: Intensity requires a lot of tension which is only produced by higher speed or more mechanical tension through heavy-weights. Most people overestimate their abilities in the gym and hurt themselves during training by loading too many weights on the bar. EMS/EMA is the safest way to produce tension. Because no weights are required to produce mechanical tension. The suit does this for you!

Fat Loss Essentials

Fat loss needs intensity. Especially in the muscles to burn down glycogen stores so that we create an energy-deficit filled with fat stored energy. Intensity through Heavy-weights and speed of movement are required to do so.

Our Visionbody EMS/EMA Suits helps you to make intensity safe and effective. Functional EMS/EMA Training is the best thing you can do to produce fat loss results while save time, energy, and money!

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